Archive for January, 2008

Speeches, talks and presentations

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

One of the draft blog-posts that has been piling up forever is an assorted list of interesting videos of speeches, talks and presentations. Right now seems to be a good time to share them.

But first of all a list of great video-talk sources: the website of “Technology, Entertainment, Design” featuring great talks given by for example Al Gore
google techtalks the google tech talk youtube page a new place featuring interviews from all kinds of important and intelligent people about all kinds of topics a place that provides free and open access to high quality video lectures presented by distinguished scholars and scientists.

And here the talks I really enjoyed listening to in the last weeks:
7 Habits For Effective Text Editing 2.0 a talk by Bram Moolenaar, the creator of VIM about efficiently using VIM
Resource Aware Programming a very interesting talk by Walid Taha
Linus Torvalds on git and git by Randal Schwartz
Quicksilver: Universal Access and Action by Nicholas Jitkoff the creator of Quicksilver – an extremely interesting and inspiring talk