Archive for March, 2011

C++ Workspace Class

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Oftentimes algorithms require buffers for communication or need to store intermediate results. Or they need to pre-compute and store auxiliary data. Those algorithms are often called in loops with similar or identical parameters but different data. Creating required resources an algorithm needs in every invocation is inefficient and can be a performance bottleneck. I would like to give users a means of reusing objects across multiple calls to algorithms.

Bethany Cooper, image by Joe Futrelle

The basic idea is to have a generic class that either creates the required objects for you or returns an existing object, if you already created it. Inefficient code like this:

algorithm(T1 input, T2 output, parameters)
  buffer mybuff(buffer_parameters);
  calculation(input, output, buffer);
  // buffer goes out of scope and is destroyed

for() algorithm(input, output, parameters);

creates a buffer object in each invocation of algorithm. This is oftentimes unnecessary. The buffer object could be reused in subsequent calls which would result in code such as:

algorithm(T1 input, T2 output, parameters, workspace & ws)
  buffer & mybuff = ws.get(name, buffer_parameters);
  calculation(input, output, buffer);
  // buffer is not destroyed

  workspace ws;
  for() algorithm(input, output, parameters, ws);
} // workspace goes out of scope; all objects are destoryed

The name in the above code acts as an object identifier. If the same object should be used a second time it has to be accessed using the same object identifier.

More Features

Specifying only the name of an object as its identifier might not be enough. The following code could be ambiguous and might result in an error:

buffer & mybuff = ws.get("mybuff", size(1024));
// later call
buffer & mybuff = ws.get("mybuff", size(2048));

When using mybuff after the later call, it might be expected that the buffer has a size of 2048. But the workspace object returns the object created before which is smaller. A simple workaround would be to always resize the buffer before it is used.

As an alternative the workspace object can be instructed to not only consider the name as an object identifier when checking if the object already exists but also some parameter of the constructor. Wrapping parameters with the “arg” method marks them to be considered when resolving existing objects.

buffer & mybuff = ws.get("mybuff", workspace::arg(size(1024)));
// later call
buffer & mybuff = ws.get("mybuff", workspace::arg(size(2048)));

This code will create two different buffer objects.


The workspace holds a map of pointers to the objects it manages. The map’s key is an arbitrary name for the resource. In addition to the pointer, a functor that properly destroys the object referenced by the pointer is stored.

A call to get<T> will check if an object with ‘name’ already exists. If not, an object is created using the parameters (as well as a function object to destroy it). If it exists a reference is returned.

If the workspace goes out of scope, the destructor iterates over all object the workspace holds and destroys them in reverse order of creation.

I used some of the nifty new C++0x language features (variadic templates, std::function and the lambda functions) to implement the workspace class. I thought this was a good idea since the Final Draft International Standard was approved recently. I found the features to be very powerful as well as incredibly useful.

The argument dependent lookup is implemented in a crude way: the arguments are appended to the name string as characters. This should be sufficient for basic use and works well for all built-in types.

Arguments that are supposed to be added to the object identifier are detected as they are wrapped in a special_arg class. Partial template specialization and the unpack operator help appending the arguments to the object identifier.

The current implementation can be found in my workspace git repository.


It might very well be that something like this already exists in a more elegant form and that I have simply not been aware of or failed to identify as a solution to this problem. I’m for example aware of pool allocators but I believe that I propose a more abstract concept. Buffers that are part of a workspace still could use a pool allocator.

Also the code in the repository is written rather quickly and I’m quite sure there are some rough edges where the code is not as efficient as it could be (passing by reference comes to mind).

Technology and Art

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

Oftentimes the merger of technology and art produces wonderful and fascinating things. It is maybe the kind of art I personally enjoy most since I can easily relate to it. Here are some examples I recently discovered:

Alexandre Farto is “Vhils”, a Portuguese-born artist who amongst other things carves faces into wall. This alone, while really great, does not really merge technology and art. In this video one can guess how the artist works.

But this video depicts Vhils’ art in an even cooler light: it gives the illusion, that the artwork is literally blasted in the wall. Truly amazing.

I discovered this through a “hack a day” article. The article does not say much about how it is done. There’s a lively discussion in the comment section of article.

People seem to agree, that the artist in some cases carves the sculpture in the wall, covers the work and later unmasks it. He might use rubberized explosive: flat sheets of solid but flexible material that can be cut to specific shape, bent around solid surfaces and glued or taped in place (Source: Wikipedia).

I have to agree with reader’s opinions that is is rather unlikely that these are controlled explosions and that the artists creates his work through designing the explosions. The work is nonetheless impressive. You can find more images like this an other works on the artist’s website.

The merger of art and technology is more apparent in the work of generative artists such as Michael Hansmeyer. In the work presented here, the artist designs columns using subdivision processes. He feeds his algorithm parameters that result in a distinct local variance in the patterns that are generated. This results in columns with millions of faces (image on the left).

The artists calls his work Computational Architecture. But generating a column model is only the first step of his process. In a second step the columns are actually produced as a layered model using 1mm sheet. That is 2700 sheets for a 2.7 meter high column. Cutting paths are calculated by intersecting the column with a plane and sheets are cut using a mill or a laser. The image on the right shows part of a fabricated column. I guess the color is a result of the fabrication process.

Read more about the artist’s process here including a video of a rendered column. More column images can be found here.

Good? Music?

Friday, March 4th, 2011

I added an “art” and “music” section to the blog. I’d like to share two albums I currently enjoy a lot and listen to almost exclusively. There’s “Black Rainbow” by Aucan and “Peanut Butter Blues & Melancholy Jam” by Ghostpoet. Two very different but ingenious albums.

My favorite track from the Aucan album is “Heartless”. It’s really incredible. Listen to it here:

From the Ghostpoet album I currently most enjoy “Run Run Run” but I expect this to change over time since it’s an album that grows on you and that you have to listen a couple of times to really appreciate it. I don’t want to go into why I like these albums, others are light-years better at music critique than I am. I just want to say: it’s really good music. You should check it out.