Archive for the ‘software’ Category

Search, search and communicate!

Sunday, June 7th, 2009

There’s quite a lot going on in the ever interesting internet search and communication business these days. Wolfram launched its Wolfram|Alpha search engine, Microsoft launched its new Bing search engine and Google demoed its newest product Wave. They also rather quietly released Google Squared. Here’s a graph generated with BlogPulse’s Trend Search showing the buzz these products created over the last month.

Search and communication product buzz

I admit the graph is a bit ambiguous and it would be much better to count the number of links in blog posts that link to the respective product. But let’s just assume that the graph is an accurate representation of the buzz those products created.

So Wolfram. I like what they did but have a couple of problems with it. For one I feel like they kind of not understood what it is all about these days. They ignore collaboration, wisdom of the crowd, free knowledge and all that good stuff we have today. But they don’t want that, they want scientific accuracy and control over their content. That’s fine I think but I would have loved to see all those smart people to contribute to a project like Wikipedia or freebase. And maybe they could have dedicated some of their enormous brainpower to finally getting NLP off the ground to provide a nice interface to all the information out there and to establish some ground rules about how we should do NLP.

Bing, well – pretty pictures. That’s really all it is for me personally. The name is certainly better than their Live Search thing but I don’t like the interface at all.

And then for Google Wave: I really hope this product will not succeed and will not revolutionize anything. It’s in the first few minutes of the demo why it would be very scary to have Wave around. Lars Rasmussen says that E-Mail is bad because it’s peer to peer, not very comfortable and whatnot. So he proposes to put the Wave (i.e. Google) in the middle of all that communication. Scary.

What’s really awesome is Google Squared. It’s by no means perfect – still a lot of rough edges – but has a lot of potential. I hope to see some serious work done on that thing and maybe an API for us developers to play with and create new things.

Convertig CSV files to LibSea graph files for CAIDA’s Walrus

Sunday, October 5th, 2008

Quite a few responses to my posts about social network visualization with Walrus contained questions about how to create the input files for Walrus. Walrus itself is very well documented and the LibSea graph file format is also explained in detail. But people seem to run into trouble when trying to create the spanning tree required for Walrus.

The Walrus documentation states that it only makes sense to visualize data that contain a meaningful spanning tree and that visualizations created with the help of an arbitrary spanning tree are not very useful. While that’s probably true the visualizations still look awesome. And I guess that’s what people want. Furthermore Raffael Marty from contacted me and asked if I had a tool that could read CSV files as input and output a LibSea file for Walrus.

I didn’t have such a tool but it sounded like a fun challenge and I thought that such a tool might also help all the people who run into trouble when trying to create a spanning tree for their graphs. So I created walruscsv – a command line tool written in C++ that reads a CSV and outputs a LibSea graph file that can be visualized with Walrus. The CSV file hast to contain a link in each row and consist of 2 columns. The first column in each row represents the first node of the link and the second column the second node of the link. It automatically generates an arbitrary spanning tree.

A sample CSV file containing the links node1<->node2, node1<->node3, node3<->node4 could look like this:


Although Walrus is only capable of visualizing one network at a time walruscsv can handle multiple networks in one CSV file. It creates an arbitrary node and connects a node of each network to that node enabling Walrus to visualize the data. Currently the tool creates an arbitrary spanning tree so it’s not weighted and therefore not minimal.

Walruscsv reads the name of the CSV file to process as the first command line parameter passed to it. It is released under a non restrictive open source license so in addition to binaries the source code is provided. To compile it using the GNU C++ compiler simply type:

g++ wlink.cpp main.cpp wtree.cpp -o walrus.exe

You can use the program by typing

walrus.exe testfile1.csv

whereas testfile1.csv is the CSV file containing the graphs you want to visualize. Bloodshed Dev-C++ can also be used to compile the code and although I didn’t try it it should also work with C++ compilers from Microsoft (e.g. using Visual Studio). Here are the files:

Source code (the source code released to the public domain)
Test files (a collection of test CSV files)
Win32 binary
Debian x86 64bit binary

If you’re having trouble using or compiling the tool or if you have suggestions or comments of if you find a bug feel free to contact me or leave a comment.

Chrome Buzz

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Here’s my try to create one of the cool trend graphs Matthew Hurst regularly entertains us with. I used to create the following graph:

Chrome vs Firefox Buzz

Looks like the Chrome buzz easily surpassed the Firefox3 release buzz. Quite impressive. Unfortunately blogpulse’s trend tool allows users only to look 6 months into the past. It would be very interesting to have events such as the release of Internet Explorer 7 or the announcement of Safari for Windows on that graph too.

Random Pixel Tile Map Generator

Friday, August 8th, 2008

I found something to do that connects the things that interest me most at the moment: automatically generated game content, number juggling in Matlab, browser games and pixel art. I’m not much of an artist so all I can do regarding pixel art is being astonished about the marvelous things pixel artists are able to do. However being a programmer I thought of a way to circumvent the art part and still create something cool. So the idea is to let the computer create the art by means of a random number generation and some number juggling.

Pixel Tiles I wrote a script that creates a pixel tile based map from a random height map and created 6 pixel tiles for the different heights. I wanted water, a beach, nice grasslands and icy mountains. To generate the height map I used Matlab. I tried a couple of different techniques and finally ended up using a perlin noise algorithm.

I also experimented with a simple Gaussian distribution random number generator and tried to fit the numbers to my needs. However it turned out to be ‘too’ noisy as I was aiming for continents and large mountain ranges. The Gaussian distribution however gave me only small islands. I tried to smooth it with different filters which made it a little better but I realized the numbers where fundamentally different from what I wanted.

Tilemap created with Gaussian Distribution of Random NumbersTilemap created with Gaussian Distribution of Random Numbers and Gaussian BlurTilemap2 created with Perlin Noise

The image on the left is created with Gaussian distribution, the second has a 7×7 Gaussian blur filter applied 3 times and the third one is created with Perlin noise. Go ahead and click on the images to view the full size version. They are quite large so they might take a second to load. I got the matlab code for the Perlin noise generator from Christopher Wellons’ blog post about Noise Fractals and Clouds. He wrote it for GNU Octave, a tool which I have to try out yet. To use it in Matlab only a slight modification was necessary:

function s = perlin (m)
  s = zeros(m);                                    % output image
  w = m;                                 % width of current layer
  i = 0;                                             % iterations
  while w > 3
    i = i + 1;
    d = interp2(randn(w), i-1, 'spline');
    s = s + i * d(1:m, 1:m);
    w = w - ceil(w/2 - 1);

Now this looks quite inconspicuous but there’s quite something to those 11 lines of code. The interp2() function recursively expands the matrix returned by rand(w) i-1 times with spline interpolation. This contains the frequency of the the function and the i in the following line represents the amplitude. Quite elegant really! The only thing to criticize about this code is probably that it can’t exploit the fact that Perlin noise can create continuous noise resulting in an infinite world. To do that I guess you need a seeded random number generator. Matlab let’s you save and restore the state of the generator with:

s = randn('state');          %save state to s
randn('state',s);            %restore state from s

which might enable you to accomplish just that. And finally here’s a PHP script that let’s you generate a map based on a height map in a CSV File (sample file). Be warned though: PHP is a very bad choice to do these kinds of things and the script is therefore very slow. A ZIP file containing the PHP script, the test data and the 6 separate pixel tiles can be downloaded from here.

Fourth Prototype

Monday, July 21st, 2008

Prototype Updated (see below).

There’s a great old space strategy game called “Ascendancy” (download and play with DosBox). One unique feature of the game is the intriguing 3D map of the universe. It’s from 1995 and now in 2008 such a 3D map can easily be implemented. But I like browser based games so the challenge was to implement the thing inside the browser. Turns out that’s also not very complicated when using the canvas tag supported by Firefox, Safari (Webkit) and Opera browsers. Here’s a warning for Internet Explorer users: the prototype won’t work very well. I’m using Google’s Explorercanvas – it emulates canvas-tag behavior but it is therefor very slow. So please consider using one of the afore mentioned browsers to test it.

Go ahead and start the prototype.

A random universe is created and rotates around the y-axis. You may change the continuous rotation axis, activate and deactivate starlanes, change the number of stars, change the size of stars, change the number of starlanes and change the rotation speed. You can also rotate the universe by moving the mouse over one of the arrows in the small coordinate system on the right. Additionally you can select stars by clicking on them. This works best when the stars are not moving and when they are not too small. Here’s an image of the whole thing:

Ascendancy Starmap

It should work reasonably well depending on the number of elements displayed and your hardware specifications. I found that Opera renders the universe a tad faster than Firefox. I’m using Prototype and the slider to help out with the Javascript and the user interface.

Three things I still have to iron out: 1) dragging the universe with the mouse 2) zooming and 3) the depth is not correct. This is visible when rendering large stars. Stars are always drawn in the same order and a star actually behind another one could be drawn in front of it. But that’s hardly visible when using smaller stars so I think it’s alright for now.

The code is released under a non restrictive open source license. The source code is fairly well documented (use tab size of 2). Have fun.

Update: A friend of mine pointed out that the prototype reminded her of a lottery drawing. I don’t think she’s very much into space and science fiction mumbo jumbo or computer games for that matter but she’s got a point. Galaxies don’t look like that! So I added a spiral galaxy generator to the prototype. The code is based on a very good article called “Making Galaxies”. I added the calculation of the third dimension so that the height of the galaxy disk is small in the center and high at the edge.

In spiral galaxy mode you need a lot of stars to actually see a nice galaxy (say 600). The starsize should also be reduced. In case you feel like playing around with the galaxy generator, here’s the testscript I used: galaxy.html.

Third Prototype

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

So I made a third prototype. It’s still very much a work in progress but have a look at it anyway – it’s pretty neat. It’s an implementation of the Master of Orion 1 Starmap. I basically tried to copy it’s look and feel. What you can do (and that’s really the only thing you can do right now) is move around by clicking the map.

Go ahead and start the prototype.

So how does it work? There are three layers on top of each other – the top layer contains the colorful stars, the second layer contains the small dim stars and the third layer in the back holds a couple of very bright stars. As you scroll the map the layers are all moved differently hopefully giving you a sense of depth. The 2nd and 3rd layers are only static tiles. The colorful stars are the stars the player may actually colonize and fight over. They are stored in a database table and requested by the map script via an asynchronous call. The stars are returned as an array in JSON format. The client side is homebrew javascript goodness with the help of Prototype and the backend consists of a few PHP classes. Here’s a screenshot:

Master of Orion Starmap

A couple of things about the graphics: I find it difficult to produce random yet still visually pleasing star patterns. When I draw them myself I tend to distribute them very equally which looks kind of strange and not very random. You may notice this in the 3rd layer containing the few bright stars. The stars in the database are generated with the help of a self written map generator script that is supposed to distribute them randomly but not too close together. It doesn’t work very well yet as the stars are still distributed very equally.

So where I am going with this? Well the plan is to create a Master of Orion clone that you can play online with simultaneous turns and up to 16 players. Let’s see how that works out.

Master of Orion

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

A couple of days ago I found what must the the greatest computer game of all times: Master of Orion. It is a really old DOS game – released in 1993, produced by Simtex Studios and designed by Steve Barcia. It’s a 4X game – explore, expand, exploit, exterminate. It’s your job to achieve galaxy domination either with fire and sword or through diplomatic fortune. Here are a couple of screenshots from the game:

Orion1 Orion2

Orion3 Orion4

And because the game is very old and the publisher unfortunately doesn’t exist anymore you can download the game for free. Just google it. You probably will need a DOS emulator if you want to play it using Windows XP or Vista. I recommend DOSBox. The game has a copy protection though. After you’ve been playing for a while the game will ask you an odd question that you have to answer correctly to keep playing. This image right here will help you answer the question.

This game and others released at the time inspired a whole genre that unfortunately appears to be quite dead nowadays. Only browsergames seem to keep this ingenious kinds of games alive.

Second Prototype Update

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

The second prototype was updated. It is now a complete game. Well not really, however it is playable but lacks a concept. A new building was added – the command center. It serves as the main base of a player and can not be destroyed. Mechanisms to attack enemies were also added. A rudimentary ticker was added that gives units to each player depending on how many building he owns. Keyboard scrolling is another feature that was added. Players are now able to build bunkers. The more enemies a player kills the more bunkers he may build. Here’s a screenshot of the current version:


I also released the sourcecode under the GPLv3 and uploaded the files (the first and the second version) to the newly created Google Code project. The name of the project is JSGmap which is short for JavaScript Game Map. The project can be found here: Unfortunately it is not possible to upload a public demo of the new version. However there’s a private version running on this server with ticks every 10 minutes. If you would like to take a look please leave a comment.

Second Prototype

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

Over one year after the first prototype was released, the second prototype is finished. It’s yet another graphical user interface for a strategy game.

Go ahead and start the prototype.

As a theme I chose again Starcraft – the ingenious realtime strategy game created by Blizzard Entertainment. Specifically I chose the “Bunker Wars” variation of the game where the players only have marines and bunkers available to play. Here’s what it looks like:

Release 2 Screenshot

The fist prototype was merely a Google-Maps like scrolling script that could display a section of a huge map and provide a convenient interface to navigate and scroll the map. It was all static JavaScript, no database backend, no unit movement or units no nothing. It looked like this:

Release 1 Screenshot

The new prototype features access management (which is circumvented in the demo), units are available and they can move and enter or leave bunkers. The map can be scrolled – the displayed map is 8×8 tiles – the actual map size is 100×100.

On the front end the prototype uses asynchronous JavaScript to reload the map without reloading the page and to issue unit movement commands to the server. The javascript library Prototype is used.

The backend consists of a MySQL database with 3 tables (users, map, units). A couple of PHP classes output the main page and two API interfaces are provided for the asynchronous JavaScript calls to update the map and to move a unit. It’s rather simple and functional and probably somewhat resource wasting but it works. It’s tested on Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7 and should also work with Internet Explorer 6.

Beloved Software

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Here’s a list of free software tools and libraries that I have come to love.

TCLAP is a Templatized C++ Command Line Parser library that makes your wildest command line parsing dreams come true. Its usage is so simple, it’s almost ridiculous. But it not only has all the features you can imagine but also comes with very well written manual.

Next is Prototype, the famous JavaScript Framework that turns formerly painful JavaScript development into a breeze. I just love how easy it is to develop with Prototype. It hides browser dependencies and makes code readable.

A very special piece of software is TiddlyWiki a reusable non-linear personal web notebook. I use it to document my research and write my thesis. It’s ingenious. In some sense it can also be seen and used as an archive that puts documents into context.

When it comes to text editors I’ve been in love with Vim ever since I attended my first C lectures. When used to the interface code editing at the speed of light is possible. To be fair I also like Notepad++ very much.

When it comes to graphics, layout and design I rely on Inkscape – an extremely powerful and easy to use vector graphics editor. It’s under heavy development and great features are added almost every hour. Nevertheless it is very stable.

I’ve been looking for decent UML modeling tools forever. Seriously. There’s a whole bunch of them out there and I tried a lot of them. Until recently I have been unable to find one that doesn’t suck. Then I discovered BOUML. It’s free and fast. Despites its plenty features it doesn’t come across bloated or sluggish.